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My personal experiences

Growing up, I saw myself as a very lazy, unfocused, unconfident and unmotivated person towards school and daily life. Getting up 6 am every morning and hopping straight on the video games, spent hours on a day to day basis, and really never focused on my life and what I wanted to achieve. 2019 was the year I focused on myself, I recognized and understood my poor habits and how meaningful life is, I took multiple opportunities in participating in different sports and tackling new passions for fitness. Overtime, indulging in physical activity daily assisted me in recognizing my true identity and who I really was. I had, in some ways, evolved into a different being, I realized the true meaning of life, and how stepping outside of your comfort zone creates multiple opportunities for success. Words are unable to describe how physical activity has impacted me, both physically and mentally. I'm more confident, motivated, more connected with the people around me, I personally believe I have changed for the better, and I want to assist different individuals towards this topic. 

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